Nu stiu de ce, dar cateodata am pofta de mancare mexicana delicioasa si picanta. Am gasit in Auchan sos salsa si tortilla chips si am asamblat acest pranz pentru astazi :)
I don't know why but once in a while I'm in the mod for some delicious and spicy mexican food. I found some salsa sauce and tortilla chips in Auchan so I put together this lunch for today :)
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- carne tocata de curcan gatita in stil mexican / ground turkey cooked in mexican style;
(reteta aici / recipe here:
- fasole rosie / red kidney beans;
- sos salsa / salsa sauce;
- tortilla chips / tortilla chips
- ceapa verde / green onion;
- salata / salad;
- rosie taiate cuburi / diced tomato;
- avocado / avocado;
- lamaie / lemon;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.
Carnea tocata de curcan se amesteca bine cu fasolea si se serveste cu putin de sos salsa desupra. Puteti pune sos si pe tortilla chips, daca doriti.
Intr-un castron adaugati rosiile, salata, ceapa tocata marunt si avocado taiat cubulete, se adauga sucul de le 1/2 lamaie , ulei de masline, sare si piper si se amesteca bine Se serveste pe o farfurie impreuna cu tortilla chips si carnea tocata.
Mix the ground turkey with the red kidney beans and serve with salsa sauce on top. Also, put some sauce on the tortilla chips if you like.
In a bowl add the diced tomatoes, green onion, salad and cubed avocado, add the juice from half a lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper and mix well. Serve on a plate with the meat and tortilla chips.