A trecut aproape o luna de cand nu am mai postat o reteta. Am luat o mica pauza si am fost in concediu in minunata Italia <3
Astazi ma intorc cu o delicioasa reteta mexicana. Sper sa va placa :)
It's been almost a month since I've last shared a recipe. I took a little break and went on holiday in beautiful Italy <3
Now I'm back with a delicious mexican dish. Hope you like it :)
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- Carne tocata de curcan / Ground turkey;
- Branza cheddar / Cheddar cheese;
- Mozzarella / Mozarella;
- Fasole rosie / Red kidney beans;
- Rosii cherry / Chery tomatoes;
- Sos de rosii / Tomato sauce;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Lime / Lime;
- Usturoi / Garlic;
- Ardei iute / Jalapeno;
- Tortilla / Trtilla;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper;
- Chimen si cimbru / cumin and thyme;
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se adauga carnea tocata de curcan. Dupa ce este aproape gata se adauga ceapa si ardeiul iute si se amesteca. Se adauga apoi sosul de rosii, chimen, cimbru, sare si pier, se amesteca bine si se mai lasa pe foc inca 5-10 minute, pana se rumeneste bine carnea.
Fasolea se paseaza un pic pentru a avea consitenta unei paste, iar cele doua tipuri de branza se dau pe razuitoare.
In a skillet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil add the ground turkey. When ita almost done add the onion and jalapeno and stir. Then add the tomato sauce, cumin, thyme, salt and pepper and stir well. Cook for another 5-10 minutes until the meat starts to brown.
The red kidney beans must be mashed so they almost form a paste and the two types of cheese must be grated.
Britto se asambleaza astfel: pe o tortilla se aseaza putina branza, apoi pasta de fasole, carnea tocata, din nou branza si se impatureste. In mod normal buritto se prajeste in ulei, insa eu am preferat sa le bag la cuptor - 10 minute pe fiecare parte.
The you assemble the burrito: on a tortilla add some cheese, then the beans paste, the ground turkey and some more cheese then fold. Usually the burritos are fried but I opted to bake them for 10 minutes on each side.
Pentru salsa, am tocat marunt rosii cherry, ceapa, usturoi si ardei iute, am asezonat cu sare piper si am presarat ulei de masline si suc de lime. Pofta buna!
For the salse I choped the tomatoes, onion, garlic and jalapeno the seasoned with salt and pepper and aded olive oil and lime juice. Bon appetit!
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