Monday, September 9, 2013

Quinoa si legume sote / Quinoa and sauteed vegetables

Puteti folosi orice fel de legume doriti. Asta este versiunea mea :)
You can use any kind of vegetables that you want. This is just my version :)

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 1 vanata / 1 eggplant;
- 1 ardei galben / 1 yellow pepper;
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion;
- 8 rosii cherry / 8 cherry tomatoes;
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- 1 cana quinoa / 1 cup quinoa;
- mozzarella rasa / grated mozzarella
- patrunjel / parsley;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Quinoa se fierbe asemanator cu orezul. Pentru o cana de quinoa se adauga 2 cani de apa si se pun la foc mare pana cand apa da in clocot Apoi se acopera si se mai lasa la foc mic timp de 15 minute.

Vanata si ardeiul se taie cubulete iat rosiile cherry se taie pe jumatate.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se caleste timp de 2 minute ceapa tocata marunt. Se adauga apoi usturoiul pisat si legumele si si seteaza timp de 8-10 minute. Se adauga apoi rosiile si se mai soteaza inca 5 minute. La final se adaga si patrunjelul si se amesteca.
Am servit cu rondele de castravete :)



You must cook the quinoa as you would cook the rice. For one cup of quinoa add 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil on high heat and then simmer for 15 minutes.\
Cut the eggplant and pepper in small cubes and cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
Sote the chopped onion in 1 tablespoon of olive oil for 2 minutes then add the crushed garlic and the vegetables and cote for anothe 8-10 minutes. Then add the tomatoes and cook for 5 more minutes Finally add the chopped parsley and stir.
I served with sliced cucumber.

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