Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Paste cu pui, ciuperci si mazare / Quick dinner tip: Chicken, mushroom and peas pasta

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui gatit / Cooked chicken breast;
Ciuperci / Mushrooms;
- Mazare congelata / Frozen peas;
- Paste (am folosit penne fara gluten, din porumb) / pasta (I used gluten free corn penne);
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Cub Maggi de pui / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- Amidon de porumb / Cornstarch;
- Branza cheddar / Cheddar cheese;
- Mirodenii (cimbru, salvie, maghiran, busuioc, chili) / Spices (thyme, sage, marjoran, basil, chili)
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper.

Pastele se fierb conform instructiunilor de pe pachet in apa cu sare.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se calesc ceapa si ciupercile taiata fasii timp de 5 minute. Se asezoneaza cu sare, piper si mirodenii (cimbru, salvie, maghiran, busuioc, chili). Se adauga apoi mazarea si supa de pui obtinuta prin dizolvarea cubului Maggi. Dupa 3-4 minute adaugati 1/2 lingura de amidon de porumb si amestecati bine pentru a nu face cocoloase. Acesta va ajuta la ingrosarea sosului. Dupa ce sosul s-a omogenizat adaugati pieptul de pui gatit, taiat in cubulete si pastele.
Toata compozitia se pune intr-un vas termorezistent, se acopera cu branza cheddar rasa si se baga la cuptor pentru 15 minute.

Cook the pasta as per the package instructions in salted water.
In a skillet add 1 tbsp of olive oil and sote the sliced onion and mushrooms for 5 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and spices (thyme, sage, marjoran, basil, chili). Then add the peas and the Maggi chicken stock. After 3-4 minutes add 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch, mixing well. This will help thickening the sauce. Once the sauce is combined add the cooked chicken, cut into cubes and the pasta.
Pour this mixture in a heat proof dish, cover with grated cheddar cheese and cook in the oven for 15 minutes.

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