Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- Piept de pui gatit / Cooked chicken breast;
- Ciuperci / Mushrooms;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Spanac / Spinach;
- Quinoa / Quinoa;
- Sos salsa / Salsa sauce;
- Condimente (maghiran, salvie, cimbru, rozmarin, busuioc) / Spices (marjoran, sage, thyme, rozmary, basil);
- Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice;
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper.
Quinoa se gateste in felul urmator. Se spala sub un jet de apa rece apoi se adauga intr-o cratita si se acopera cu apa (la 1 cana de quinoa se adauga 2 cani de apa). Se pune 1/2 lingurita de sare si 1/2 lingurita de ulei de masline si se aseaza la foc mare pana cand da in clocot. Apoi se acopera cratita cu un capac si se lasa la foc mic pentru 15 minute.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se adauga apoi ceapa si ciupercile taiate fasii. Se condimenteaza cu sare, piper si se adauga cate 1/2 lingurita din fiecare mirodenie mentionata in lista de ingrediente. Se soteaza tip de 5-8 minute si apoi se adauga pieptul de pui deja gatit si se mai lasa pe foc aproximativ 3-5 minute.
Spanacul se spala si se taie in bucati maricele. Peste el se adauga quinoa gatita, 1 lingura de suc de lamaie, o lingurita de ulei de masline, sare si piper si se amesteca.
Am ales sa pun peste puiul cu ciuperci o lingura de sos de salsa pentru a-i da un gust picant :)
To cook quinoa, first rinse it unde cold water the add it to a pot with water (for 1 cup of quinoa add 2 cups of water). Add 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of olive oil and cook it on a high heat until the water starts to boil. Then cover with a lid and let it simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
In a skillet add 1 tbsp of olive oil and the sliced onion and mushrooms. Add salt and pepper and 1/2 tsp of each spice mentioned in the ingredients list. Saute for 5-8 minutes then add the cooked chicken and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
Wash the spinach anb roughly chop it. Add it to a bowl with the quinoa, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of olive oil, salt and pepper and mix.
I chose to put 1 tbsp of salsa sauce on the chicken with mushroom for a spicy taste.
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