Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Orez chinezesc / Quick dinner tip: Chinese rice

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui / Chicken breast;
- Ardei rosu si verde / Red and green bell pepper;
- Mazare congelata / Frozen peas;
- Morcov / Carrot;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Orez gatit / Cooked Rice;
- Ou batut gatit / Scrambled egg;
- Usturoi / Garlic;
- Ghimbir / Ginger;
- Sos de soia / Soy sauce;
- Sos de peste / Fish sauce;
- sare si piper / Salt and pepper;
- Ulei de susan / Sesame oil.

Orezul trebuie fiert cu cel putin 2-3 ore inainte pentru a avea timp sa se raceasca. Se poate folosi si orez gatit cu o zi inainte si tinut la frigider.
Toate legumele se taie in cuburi mici, iar pieptul de pui se taie fasii subtiri.
Intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de susan se prajesc feliile de pui pana cand se rumenesc. Apoi se scot din tigaie si se pun de-o parte. In aceeasi tigaie se mai adauga putin ulei de susan si se caleste ceapa timp de 1 minut apoi se adauga celelalte legume si se calesc timp de 3-4 minute. Peste legume se adauga oul bautut deja gatit, pieptul de pui, ghimbirul si usturoiul tocate marunt, o lingurita de sos de peste, 2 linguri de sos de soia, sare si piper dupa gust. Se adauga apoi orezul si se amesteca bine. Se serveste cald. Pofta buna!

The rice must be cooked at least 2-3 hours before so it has time to chill. You can also use rice cooked a day before and kept in the fridge over night.
All the vegetables must be cut into small cubes and the chicken in thin strips.
First, in a skillet with a little bit of sesame oil, fry the chicken until golden brown. Then remove it from the pan and set aside. In the same skillet add a little bit more sesame oil and cook the onion for 1 minute, then add the other vegetables and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Add the scrambled egg, the chicken, minced ginger and garlic, 1 tsp of fish sauce, 2 tbsp of soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Then add the rice and stir well. Serve while hot. Bon appetit!

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