Thursday, November 7, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Enchilada de pui / Quick dinner tip: Chicken enchilada

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui / Chicken breast
- Ardei rosu / Red bell pepper
- Ceapa / Onion
- Smantana / Sour cream
- Sos de rosii / Tomato sauce
- Branza cheddar / Cheddar cheese
- Tortilla / Tortilla
- Ulei de rapita / Canola oil
- Boia iute / Chili powder
- Oregano / Oregano
- Sare / Salt

Pieptul de pui se taie in bucati mici, ardeiul se taie in cubulete, iar branza cheddar se da pe razuitoare.
Intr-o cratita se adauga o lingura de ulei de rapita si se caleste ceapa timp de 2 minute. Se adauga apoi ppieptu de pui taiat cubulete si se rumeneste bine pe toate partile (8-10 minute). Se adauga apoi ardeiul, iar dupa 2-3 minute 1 cana de sos de rosii, o jumatate de cana de apa, 1ingurita de boia iute, o lingurita de oregano si 1/2 lingurita de sare. Se amesteca bine si se lasa la foc mediu timp de 10 minute. Se adauga apoi 2 linguri de smantana si se amesteca pana sosu se omogenizeaza.
Dupa ce se ia de pe foc, se separa pieptul de pui si ardeiul de sos. Pe o tortilla se aseaza 2 linguri de compozitie, se presara putina branza cheddar si se impatureste (la fel ca aici: Toate tortilla impachetate se aseaza intr-un vas de yena, se toarna peste sosul de rosii cu smantana si se acopera cu restul de branza cheddar. Se baga la cuptor pentru 30 minute a foc mediu.
O cina delicioasa gata intr-o ora. Eu am presarat putin patrunjel deasupra, pentru culoare.

First you must cut the chicken and red bell pepper in cubes and shred the cheddar cheese.
In a skillet add 1 tbl spoon of canola oil and the onion and cook for 2 minutes. Add the chicken and cook well on all sides until slightly brown (8-10 minutes). Add the red bell pepper and cook for another 2-3 minutes then add 1 cup of tomato sauce, 1/2 cup of water, 1 tsp of chili powder, 1 tsp of oregano, 1/2 tsp of salt and mix well. Leave it on medium heat for 10 minutes. Add 2 tbs of sour cream and stir.
After you remove if from the stove, separate the chicken and pepper mixture from the sauce. On a tortilla add 2 tbs of the misture, sprinkle some cheddar cheese and fold (like it's done here: Put all the folded tortillas in an oven safe dish, cover with the sauce and the shredded cheddar cheese and cook in the oven for 30 minutes on medium heat.
There you go - a deicious dinner in only an hour. I sprinkled some parsley on top for a little bit of colour.

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