Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- ciuperci / mushrooms
- dovecel / zucchini
- ceapa / onion
- 1 cub de legume Maggi / Maggi vegetable stock cube
- cimbru / thyme
- foi de dafin / bay leaves
- boia iute / chili powder
- ulei de masline / olive oil
- sare si piper / salt and pepper
- 1/2 pahar cu lapte / 1/2 glass of milk
Se caleste ceapa in putin uei de masline timp de 1-2 minute. Apoi se adauga dovlecelul si ciupercile taiate in cuburi mici si se soteaza timp de 5 minute. Se adauga apoi toate condimentele: 1 lingurita de cimbru, 1 lingurita de boia iute, sare si piper, 2 foi de dafin si se acopera cu apa. Cand da in clocot, se adauga cubul de legume, se amesteca si se acopera. Se fierbe a foc mic timp de 20-30 minute, pana cand legumele sunt moi.
Se lasa se se raceasca 10-15 minute apoi se adauga toate legumele in bender, impreuna cu laptele, fara lichidul in care au fiert legumele (indepartati foile de dafin inainte). Se adauga treptat cate un polonic de ichid pana cand supa crema are consistenta dorita.
Eu am servit cu crutoane si fugi de migdale.
Apropo, in ciuda culorii data de ciuperci, supa este delicioasa :)
First sote the onion in a itte bit of olive oil, for 1-2 minutes. Then add the diced zucchini and mushrooms and sote for another 5 minutes. Add the condiments: 1tsp thyme, 1 tsp chili powder, sat and pepper, 2 bay leaves and cover with water. Bring to a boil and then add the vegetabe stock cube, stir and cover with a lid. Let it simmer for 20-30 minutes, until the vegetables soften. Let it cool for 10-15 minutes then add the vegetables to a bender and the milk, without the stock (after removing the bay leaves). Add only one ladle at time until the soup has the consistency that you like.
I served with crutons and almond fakes.
By the way, despite the colour that the mushrooms gave to the soup, it's delicious :)
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