Friday, November 15, 2013

Supa Crema de Broccoli / Broccoli cream soup

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Broccoli / Broccoli;
- 1 Cartof / 1 Potato;
- 1 Ceapa mica / 1 Small onion;
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 Clove of garlic;
- Parmezan / Parmesan;
- Boia iute / Chilli powder;
- 1 Cub Maggi de pui / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil;
- Sare / Salt;
- Crutoane / Crutons;
- Fulgi de migdale / Almond flakes.

Intr-o tigaie cu o lingura de ulei de masline sa gateste ceapa si usturoiul timp de 2 minute. Se adauga apoi cartoful taiat cuburi si se acopera cu 750 ml de apa. Cand apa incepe sa fiarba se adauga cubul de pui Maggi, broccoli desfacut buchetele, 1 lingurita de boia iute si un pic de sare. Se acopera si se lasa la foc mic pentru 10-15 minute.

Se lasa se se raceasca apoi se pun toate legumele in blender si se adauga treptat cate un polonic de lichid pana cand supa crema are consistenta dorita.
Se serveste cu parmezan ras deasupra, crutoane si fulgi de migdale.

In a skillet with 1 tbsp of olive oil add the onion and garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Then add the cubed potato and cover with 750 ml of water. Once the water starts to boil add the Maggi chicken stock cube, the broccoli, 1 tsp of chilli powder and a little bit of salt. Cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Let it cool and then put the vegetables in a blender and add only one ladle at a time until the soup has the consistency that you like.
Serve with some graded parmesan on top, crutons and almond flakes.

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