Friday, December 13, 2013

Biscuiti cu ovaz si fulgi de ciocolata / Chocolate chip cookies with oats

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
(15 biscuiti / 15 cookies)
- 1 cup (85g) ovaz / 2 cup oats;
- 1 cup (128g) faina / 1 cup flour;
- 1/2 cup (115g) unt la temperatura camerei / 1/2 cup butter at room temperature;
- 1/3 cup (67g) zahar / 1/3 cup sugar;  
- 1/3 cup (67g) zahar brun / 1/3 brown sugar;
- 1 ou / 1 egg;
- 1 lingurita praf de copt / 1 tsp baking powder;
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla extract;
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 tsp salt;
- 1/2 cup (50g) fulgi de ciocolata / 1/2 cup chocolate chips.

Ovazul se macina in blender pana cand are textura asemanatoare cu cea de faina.
Intr-un bol se mixeaza untul cu zaharul, apoi se adauga oul si se mixeaza in continuare pana cand se formeaza crema. Se adauga apoi ovazul macinat, sarea, praful de copt, esenta de vanilie si treptat faina.
La final se adauga fulgii de ciocolata si se amesteca bine.
Se formeaza bilute mici si se pun pe o foaie de copt. Se baga la cuptor, la foc mediu timp de 12-14 minute.
Se lasa sa se raceasca complet iniante de a-i servi.

First blend the oats until they become a flour.
In a bowl mix together the butter and sugar, then add the egg and mix until you obtain a cream. Then add the oat flour, salt, baking powder, vanilla extract and gradually add the flour.
At the end add the chocolate chips and mix well.
Form little balls and bake them on a parchment paper for 12-14 minutes.
Let them cool completely before serving.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Chiftele de orez cu pui si sos arrabiata / Arancini di riso with chicken and arrabiata sauce

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

Pentru chiftelele de orez / For arancini di riso:
- Orez / Rice;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Telina verde / Celary;
- Condimente italienesti / Italian seasoning;
- Vin alb / White wine;
- Unt / Butter;
- Supa de pui / Chicken stock;
- Parmezan / Parmesan;
- 2 Oua / 2 Eggs;
- Mozzarella / Mozzarella
- Patrunjel / Parsley;
- Pesmet / Bread crumbs; 
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper.

Pentru pui / For the chicken:
- Piept de pui file / Chicken fillets;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper;
- Condimente italienesti / Italian seasoning;
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil.

Pentru sosul arrabiata / For the arrabiata sauce:
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Usturoi / Garlic;
- Rosii pasate / Crushed tomatoes;
- Patrunjel / Parsley;
- Fulgi de ardei iute / Red pepper flakes;
- Sare / Salt.

I. Mai intai preparam risotto in alb. Preferabil cu cateva ore inainte de a face chiftelele, pentru a avea timp sa se raceasca.
Intr-o tigaie se topeste o lingura de unt si se adauga ceapa si telina tocate marunt. Se calesc timp de 2 minute apoi se adauga orezul si dupa inca 2 minute o jumatate de pahar de vin alb. Dupa ce vinul este absorbit de orez, se adauga un polonic de supa de pui, sare si piper si o lingurita de condimente italienesti, se amesteca pana cand este absorbita si apoi se adauga inca un polonic Se continua asa pana cand se termina supa de pui (600-700 ml).
Pentru a face chiftelele de orez se adauga peste risotto un ou batut, parmezan ras si patrunjel tocat marunt si se amesteca. Se ia cate o lingura din compozitie, se pune un cub de mozzarella in mijloc si se formeaza o mingiuta. Fiecare migiuta se trece printr-un ou batut si apoi se acopera cu pesmet. Se prajeste in  baie de ulei incins aproximativ 1 minut si apoi se lasa sa se scurga pe servetele de bucatarie din hartie.

First you have to prepare the risotto in bianco, preferably a fw hours before making the arancini di riso to have time to cool.
In a skillet melt a tbsp of butter and add the chopped onion and celary. Sote for 2 minutes then add the rice nd cook for another 2 minutes, then add half a glass of white wine. Once the wine is absorbed, you add ladle of chicken stock, salt and pepper, 1/2 tsp italian seasoning and stir until is absorbed. Then you continue this process until you finish the stock (600-700 ml).
To make the arancini di riso you have to mix the risotto with 1 beaten egg, grated parmesan and parsley. Take a spoonfull of the mixture, put a mozzarella cube in the middle the form a small ball. Coat each ball with a beaten egg then cover with bread crumbs. Deep fry them for 1 minute the let them cool on a paper towel.

II. Pieptul de pui se asezoneaza cu sare si piper, se presara putine condimente italienesti deasupra si prajeste aproximativ 2-3 minute pe fiecare parte intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline.

Season the chicken fillets with salt, pepper and italian seasoning and fry 2-3 minutes on each side in a skillet with a little bit of olive oil.

III. Pentru sosul arrabiata se caleste putina ceapa si 2 catei de usturoi intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de masline, se adauga 1/2 lingurita de fulge de ardei iute si 1 pahar de rosii pasate. Se lasa pe foc aproximativ 5 minute, iar la final se adauga putin patrunjel tocat.

For the arrabiata sauce saute onion and garlic in a skillet with a little bit of olive oil then add 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes and 1 glass of crushed tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes and at the end add some chopped parsley.

Serviti cu putin parmezan ras deasupra.
Serve with some grated parmesan on top.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Paste cu pui, ciuperci si mazare / Quick dinner tip: Chicken, mushroom and peas pasta

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui gatit / Cooked chicken breast;
Ciuperci / Mushrooms;
- Mazare congelata / Frozen peas;
- Paste (am folosit penne fara gluten, din porumb) / pasta (I used gluten free corn penne);
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Cub Maggi de pui / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- Amidon de porumb / Cornstarch;
- Branza cheddar / Cheddar cheese;
- Mirodenii (cimbru, salvie, maghiran, busuioc, chili) / Spices (thyme, sage, marjoran, basil, chili)
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper.

Pastele se fierb conform instructiunilor de pe pachet in apa cu sare.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se calesc ceapa si ciupercile taiata fasii timp de 5 minute. Se asezoneaza cu sare, piper si mirodenii (cimbru, salvie, maghiran, busuioc, chili). Se adauga apoi mazarea si supa de pui obtinuta prin dizolvarea cubului Maggi. Dupa 3-4 minute adaugati 1/2 lingura de amidon de porumb si amestecati bine pentru a nu face cocoloase. Acesta va ajuta la ingrosarea sosului. Dupa ce sosul s-a omogenizat adaugati pieptul de pui gatit, taiat in cubulete si pastele.
Toata compozitia se pune intr-un vas termorezistent, se acopera cu branza cheddar rasa si se baga la cuptor pentru 15 minute.

Cook the pasta as per the package instructions in salted water.
In a skillet add 1 tbsp of olive oil and sote the sliced onion and mushrooms for 5 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and spices (thyme, sage, marjoran, basil, chili). Then add the peas and the Maggi chicken stock. After 3-4 minutes add 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch, mixing well. This will help thickening the sauce. Once the sauce is combined add the cooked chicken, cut into cubes and the pasta.
Pour this mixture in a heat proof dish, cover with grated cheddar cheese and cook in the oven for 15 minutes.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chec cu mere / Apple cake

   Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- 1/2 cup (115g) unt la temperatura camerei / 1/2 cup butter at room temperature;
- 3/4 cup (170g) zahar / 3/4 cup sugar;
- 3 oua / 3 eggs;
- 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie / 2 tsp vanilla extract;
- 1 plic praf de copt / 1 package baking powder;
- coaja rasa lamaie si portocala / lemon and orange zest;
- 2 1/3 cups (260g) faina / 2 1/3 cups flour;
- 3/4 cup (170ml) lapte / 3/4 cup milk;
- 1/2 lingurita scortisoara / 1/2 tsp cinnamon;
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 tsp salt;
-  2 mere rase / 2 grated apples.

Intr-un bol pentru mixer se amesteca untul cu zaharul pana devine cremos, apoi se adauga coaja rasa de lamaie si de portocala, ouale, esenta de vanilie si laptele. Se adauga treptat cate o lingura de faina, iar la final praful de copt, merele si scortisoara.
Se pune compozitia intr-o tava de chec unsa cu putin unt si se baga la cuptor la foc mic spre mediu pentru 1 ora. Se lasa sa se raceasca complet inainte de a  servi.

In a mixing bowl cream together the butter and sugar then add the lemon and orange zest, eggs, vanilla extract and milk. Gradually add one tbsp of flour at a time and at the end, the baking powder, apples and cinnamon.
Pour the mixture in a baking pan lightly greased with sime butter and bake it in the oven at low to medium heat for 1 hour. Let it cool completely before serving.

Pui cu ciuperci si salata de quinoa cu spanac / Chicken and mushrooms with quinoa spinach salad

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui gatit / Cooked chicken breast;
- Ciuperci / Mushrooms;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Spanac / Spinach;
- Quinoa / Quinoa;
- Sos salsa / Salsa sauce;
- Condimente (maghiran, salvie, cimbru, rozmarin, busuioc) / Spices (marjoran, sage, thyme, rozmary, basil);
- Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice;
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper.

Quinoa se gateste in felul urmator. Se spala sub un jet de apa rece apoi se adauga intr-o cratita si se acopera cu apa (la 1 cana de quinoa se adauga 2 cani de apa). Se pune 1/2 lingurita de sare si 1/2 lingurita de ulei de masline si se aseaza la foc mare pana cand da in clocot. Apoi se acopera cratita cu un capac si se lasa la foc mic pentru 15 minute.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se adauga apoi ceapa si ciupercile taiate fasii. Se condimenteaza cu sare, piper si se adauga cate 1/2 lingurita din fiecare mirodenie mentionata in lista de ingrediente. Se soteaza tip de 5-8 minute si apoi se adauga pieptul de pui deja gatit si se mai lasa pe foc aproximativ 3-5 minute.
Spanacul se spala si se taie in bucati maricele. Peste el se adauga quinoa gatita, 1 lingura de suc de lamaie, o lingurita de ulei de masline, sare si piper si se amesteca.
Am ales sa pun peste puiul cu ciuperci o lingura de sos de salsa pentru a-i da un gust picant :)

To cook quinoa, first rinse it unde cold water the add it to a pot with water (for 1 cup of quinoa add 2 cups of water). Add 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of olive oil and cook it on a high heat until the water starts to boil. Then cover with a lid and let it simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
In a skillet add 1 tbsp of olive oil and the sliced onion and mushrooms. Add salt and pepper and 1/2 tsp of each spice mentioned in the ingredients list. Saute for 5-8 minutes then add the cooked chicken and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
Wash the spinach anb roughly chop it. Add it to a bowl with the quinoa, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of olive oil, salt and pepper and mix.
I chose to put 1 tbsp of salsa sauce on the chicken with mushroom for a spicy taste.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Orez chinezesc / Quick dinner tip: Chinese rice

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui / Chicken breast;
- Ardei rosu si verde / Red and green bell pepper;
- Mazare congelata / Frozen peas;
- Morcov / Carrot;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Orez gatit / Cooked Rice;
- Ou batut gatit / Scrambled egg;
- Usturoi / Garlic;
- Ghimbir / Ginger;
- Sos de soia / Soy sauce;
- Sos de peste / Fish sauce;
- sare si piper / Salt and pepper;
- Ulei de susan / Sesame oil.

Orezul trebuie fiert cu cel putin 2-3 ore inainte pentru a avea timp sa se raceasca. Se poate folosi si orez gatit cu o zi inainte si tinut la frigider.
Toate legumele se taie in cuburi mici, iar pieptul de pui se taie fasii subtiri.
Intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de susan se prajesc feliile de pui pana cand se rumenesc. Apoi se scot din tigaie si se pun de-o parte. In aceeasi tigaie se mai adauga putin ulei de susan si se caleste ceapa timp de 1 minut apoi se adauga celelalte legume si se calesc timp de 3-4 minute. Peste legume se adauga oul bautut deja gatit, pieptul de pui, ghimbirul si usturoiul tocate marunt, o lingurita de sos de peste, 2 linguri de sos de soia, sare si piper dupa gust. Se adauga apoi orezul si se amesteca bine. Se serveste cald. Pofta buna!

The rice must be cooked at least 2-3 hours before so it has time to chill. You can also use rice cooked a day before and kept in the fridge over night.
All the vegetables must be cut into small cubes and the chicken in thin strips.
First, in a skillet with a little bit of sesame oil, fry the chicken until golden brown. Then remove it from the pan and set aside. In the same skillet add a little bit more sesame oil and cook the onion for 1 minute, then add the other vegetables and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Add the scrambled egg, the chicken, minced ginger and garlic, 1 tsp of fish sauce, 2 tbsp of soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Then add the rice and stir well. Serve while hot. Bon appetit!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Meniu pentru ziua surorii mele / Menu for my sister's birthday

Astazi a fost ziua de nastere a surorii mele ~ La muti ani, draga mea surioara!
Am fost pe la ea sa o ajut cu pregatirile pentru petrecere si astfel am innoit si bucataria din noua ei casuta :)
Meniul a fost simplu, rapid si gustos : pizza de casa (multumiri Mirunei pentru idee) si briose.

Today was my sister's birthday ~ Happy Birthday, my darling sis!
I helped her prepare the food for the party and cooked together in the kitchen of her new house :)
The menu was simple, fast and delicious: homemade pizza (thanks to Miruna for the idea) and muffins.


 Ingrediente / Ingrediente:
- paine toast / toast bread slices;
- ciuperci / mushrooms;
- ardei rosu / red bell pepper;
- ceapa / onion;
- sunca / ham;
- oregano / dried oregano;
- busuioc / dried basil;
- lapte / milk;
- mozzarella rasa / grated mozzarella;
- ketchup / ketchup;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Ciupercile, ardeiul, ceapa si sunca de taie in fasii si se amesteca impreuna cu oregano, busuioc, sare si piper.
Fiecare felie de painese inmoaie putin in lapte (doar pe o parte) si se aseaza intr-o tigaie pe o foaie de copt, cu partea umeda in sus. Feliile se aseaza lipite una langa alta iar deaspura lor se pune amestecul de legume cu sunca. Se acopera cu mozzarella si se baga la cuptor pentru 15-20 minute.

Cut the mushrooms, bell pepper, onion and ham into slices and mix them together with the oregano, basil, salt and pepper.
Dip one side of each slice of bread in milk and put it on a baking dish covered with parchment paper with the wet side up. Put all the slices one next to the other then cover them with the vegetables and ham mixture and mozzarella. Cook them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.


Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup (115g) unt la temperatura camerei / 1/2 cup of butter at room temperature;
- 1 cup (225g) zahar tos / 1 cup granulated sugar;
- 1 ou / 1 egg;
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla extract;
- 1/2 cup (60g) cacao / 1/2 cup cocoa powder;
- 1 cup (110g) faina / 1 cup flour;
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 tsp sare;
- 1 lingurita praf de copt / 1 tsp baking powder;
- 3/4 cup (170ml) lapte / 3/4 cup milk.

Se mixeaza untul cu zaharul 1-2 minute apoi se adauga oul si esenta de vanilie.
Intr-un bol separat se amesteca faina, cacao, sarea, praful de copt.
Peste compozitia de unt, zahar si ou se adauga jumatate din ingredientele uscate, se mixeaza 1 minut spoi se toarna jumatate din cantitatea de lapte, restul de ingrediente uscate, restul de lapte si se mixeaza 2 minute.

Mix the butter and sugar for 1-2 minutes then add the egg and vanilla extract.
In a separate bowl mix the flour with cocoa, salt and baking powder.
Over the butter, sugar and egg mixture add half of the dry ingredients and mix for 1 minute then add half of the milk, the rest of the dry ingredients and the rest of the milk and mix for 2 minutes.


Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup (115g) la temperatura camerei / 1/2 cup of butter at room temperature;
- 1 cup (225g) zahar tos / 1 cup granulated sugar;
- 2 oua / 2 eggs;
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla extract;
- 2 lingurite scortisoara / 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 1/3 cup (150g) faina / 1 1/3 cup flour;
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 tsp sare;
- 2 lingurite praf de copt / 2 tsp baking powder;
- 1/3 cup (80ml) lapte / 1/3 cup milk;
- 1 mar si jumatate / 1 and a half apple.

Pasii sunt aceiasi cu cei de mai devreme, insa in acest caz vom avea ca ingrediente uscate: faina, scortisoara, sarea, praful de copt.
La final adaugati merele taiate in cuburi mici si amestecati pana se incorporeaza in aluat.

The steps are the same as before, but in this case the dry ingredients are, flour, cinnamon, salt and baking powder.
In the end add the apple cut into small cubes and mix until well incorporated.

Ambele tipuri de aluat se aseaza in tava de briose si se coc in cuptor pentru 20-22 minute.
Pentru a avea niste briose pufoase nu amestecati prea mult aluatul.

Both types of batter must be put in a muffin tin and bake for 20-22 minutes.
To keep the muffins fluffy do not overmix the batter.