Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Orez chinezesc / Quick dinner tip: Chinese rice

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui / Chicken breast;
- Ardei rosu si verde / Red and green bell pepper;
- Mazare congelata / Frozen peas;
- Morcov / Carrot;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Orez gatit / Cooked Rice;
- Ou batut gatit / Scrambled egg;
- Usturoi / Garlic;
- Ghimbir / Ginger;
- Sos de soia / Soy sauce;
- Sos de peste / Fish sauce;
- sare si piper / Salt and pepper;
- Ulei de susan / Sesame oil.

Orezul trebuie fiert cu cel putin 2-3 ore inainte pentru a avea timp sa se raceasca. Se poate folosi si orez gatit cu o zi inainte si tinut la frigider.
Toate legumele se taie in cuburi mici, iar pieptul de pui se taie fasii subtiri.
Intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei de susan se prajesc feliile de pui pana cand se rumenesc. Apoi se scot din tigaie si se pun de-o parte. In aceeasi tigaie se mai adauga putin ulei de susan si se caleste ceapa timp de 1 minut apoi se adauga celelalte legume si se calesc timp de 3-4 minute. Peste legume se adauga oul bautut deja gatit, pieptul de pui, ghimbirul si usturoiul tocate marunt, o lingurita de sos de peste, 2 linguri de sos de soia, sare si piper dupa gust. Se adauga apoi orezul si se amesteca bine. Se serveste cald. Pofta buna!

The rice must be cooked at least 2-3 hours before so it has time to chill. You can also use rice cooked a day before and kept in the fridge over night.
All the vegetables must be cut into small cubes and the chicken in thin strips.
First, in a skillet with a little bit of sesame oil, fry the chicken until golden brown. Then remove it from the pan and set aside. In the same skillet add a little bit more sesame oil and cook the onion for 1 minute, then add the other vegetables and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Add the scrambled egg, the chicken, minced ginger and garlic, 1 tsp of fish sauce, 2 tbsp of soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Then add the rice and stir well. Serve while hot. Bon appetit!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Meniu pentru ziua surorii mele / Menu for my sister's birthday

Astazi a fost ziua de nastere a surorii mele ~ La muti ani, draga mea surioara!
Am fost pe la ea sa o ajut cu pregatirile pentru petrecere si astfel am innoit si bucataria din noua ei casuta :)
Meniul a fost simplu, rapid si gustos : pizza de casa (multumiri Mirunei pentru idee) si briose.

Today was my sister's birthday ~ Happy Birthday, my darling sis!
I helped her prepare the food for the party and cooked together in the kitchen of her new house :)
The menu was simple, fast and delicious: homemade pizza (thanks to Miruna for the idea) and muffins.


 Ingrediente / Ingrediente:
- paine toast / toast bread slices;
- ciuperci / mushrooms;
- ardei rosu / red bell pepper;
- ceapa / onion;
- sunca / ham;
- oregano / dried oregano;
- busuioc / dried basil;
- lapte / milk;
- mozzarella rasa / grated mozzarella;
- ketchup / ketchup;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Ciupercile, ardeiul, ceapa si sunca de taie in fasii si se amesteca impreuna cu oregano, busuioc, sare si piper.
Fiecare felie de painese inmoaie putin in lapte (doar pe o parte) si se aseaza intr-o tigaie pe o foaie de copt, cu partea umeda in sus. Feliile se aseaza lipite una langa alta iar deaspura lor se pune amestecul de legume cu sunca. Se acopera cu mozzarella si se baga la cuptor pentru 15-20 minute.

Cut the mushrooms, bell pepper, onion and ham into slices and mix them together with the oregano, basil, salt and pepper.
Dip one side of each slice of bread in milk and put it on a baking dish covered with parchment paper with the wet side up. Put all the slices one next to the other then cover them with the vegetables and ham mixture and mozzarella. Cook them in the oven for 15-20 minutes.


Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup (115g) unt la temperatura camerei / 1/2 cup of butter at room temperature;
- 1 cup (225g) zahar tos / 1 cup granulated sugar;
- 1 ou / 1 egg;
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla extract;
- 1/2 cup (60g) cacao / 1/2 cup cocoa powder;
- 1 cup (110g) faina / 1 cup flour;
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 tsp sare;
- 1 lingurita praf de copt / 1 tsp baking powder;
- 3/4 cup (170ml) lapte / 3/4 cup milk.

Se mixeaza untul cu zaharul 1-2 minute apoi se adauga oul si esenta de vanilie.
Intr-un bol separat se amesteca faina, cacao, sarea, praful de copt.
Peste compozitia de unt, zahar si ou se adauga jumatate din ingredientele uscate, se mixeaza 1 minut spoi se toarna jumatate din cantitatea de lapte, restul de ingrediente uscate, restul de lapte si se mixeaza 2 minute.

Mix the butter and sugar for 1-2 minutes then add the egg and vanilla extract.
In a separate bowl mix the flour with cocoa, salt and baking powder.
Over the butter, sugar and egg mixture add half of the dry ingredients and mix for 1 minute then add half of the milk, the rest of the dry ingredients and the rest of the milk and mix for 2 minutes.


Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 1/2 cup (115g) la temperatura camerei / 1/2 cup of butter at room temperature;
- 1 cup (225g) zahar tos / 1 cup granulated sugar;
- 2 oua / 2 eggs;
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1 tsp vanilla extract;
- 2 lingurite scortisoara / 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 1/3 cup (150g) faina / 1 1/3 cup flour;
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 tsp sare;
- 2 lingurite praf de copt / 2 tsp baking powder;
- 1/3 cup (80ml) lapte / 1/3 cup milk;
- 1 mar si jumatate / 1 and a half apple.

Pasii sunt aceiasi cu cei de mai devreme, insa in acest caz vom avea ca ingrediente uscate: faina, scortisoara, sarea, praful de copt.
La final adaugati merele taiate in cuburi mici si amestecati pana se incorporeaza in aluat.

The steps are the same as before, but in this case the dry ingredients are, flour, cinnamon, salt and baking powder.
In the end add the apple cut into small cubes and mix until well incorporated.

Ambele tipuri de aluat se aseaza in tava de briose si se coc in cuptor pentru 20-22 minute.
Pentru a avea niste briose pufoase nu amestecati prea mult aluatul.

Both types of batter must be put in a muffin tin and bake for 20-22 minutes.
To keep the muffins fluffy do not overmix the batter.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Supa Crema de Broccoli / Broccoli cream soup

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Broccoli / Broccoli;
- 1 Cartof / 1 Potato;
- 1 Ceapa mica / 1 Small onion;
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 Clove of garlic;
- Parmezan / Parmesan;
- Boia iute / Chilli powder;
- 1 Cub Maggi de pui / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil;
- Sare / Salt;
- Crutoane / Crutons;
- Fulgi de migdale / Almond flakes.

Intr-o tigaie cu o lingura de ulei de masline sa gateste ceapa si usturoiul timp de 2 minute. Se adauga apoi cartoful taiat cuburi si se acopera cu 750 ml de apa. Cand apa incepe sa fiarba se adauga cubul de pui Maggi, broccoli desfacut buchetele, 1 lingurita de boia iute si un pic de sare. Se acopera si se lasa la foc mic pentru 10-15 minute.

Se lasa se se raceasca apoi se pun toate legumele in blender si se adauga treptat cate un polonic de lichid pana cand supa crema are consistenta dorita.
Se serveste cu parmezan ras deasupra, crutoane si fulgi de migdale.

In a skillet with 1 tbsp of olive oil add the onion and garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Then add the cubed potato and cover with 750 ml of water. Once the water starts to boil add the Maggi chicken stock cube, the broccoli, 1 tsp of chilli powder and a little bit of salt. Cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Let it cool and then put the vegetables in a blender and add only one ladle at a time until the soup has the consistency that you like.
Serve with some graded parmesan on top, crutons and almond flakes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Piept de pui in sos de vin alb cu ciuperci / Quick dinner tip: Chicken breast in white wine and mushroom sauce

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui file / Chicken breast fillets;
- Ciuperci / Mushrooms;
- Ceapa / Onion;
- Unt / Butter;
- Vin ab / White wine;
- 1 Cub Maggi de pui / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- Faina (2-3 linguri) / Flour (2-3 tablespoons);
- Cimbru / Thyme;
- Boia dulce / Sweet paprika;
- Usturoi granulat / Granulated garlic;
- Sare si piper / Salt and pepper.

Faina se amesteca cu toate condimentele: cimbru, boia dulce, usturoi granulat, sare si piper.
Intr-o tigaie se topeste un cub mai mare de unt la foc mic. Fiecare file de piept de pui se trece prin amestecul de faina si condimente, se scutura excesul si se pune in tigaia cu unt la foc mediu. Se calesc aproximativ 2-3 minute pe fiecare parte apoi se scot pe o farfurie si se lasa de-o parte.
In aceeasi tigaie, fara a pune unt in plus de adauga ceapa si ciupercile tocate marunt si se calesc timp de 2 minute Se toarna apoi putin vin, iar dupa ce se evapora alcoolul se adauga o cana de apa fierbinte in care ati dizolvat cubul de legume Maggi. Se lasa pe foc 2 minute apoi se adauga in sos feliile de piept de pui si se mai lasa inca 2-3 minute pe fiecare parte, pana se ingroasa un pic sosul.
Eu am servit cu niste couscous. Pofta buna! :)

First you must mix the flour with all the condiments: thyme, sweet paprika, granulated garlic, salt and pepper.
In a skillet add a big cube of butter and melt on a low heat. Then put each chiken fillet in the flour mixture, shake off the excess add them in the skillet on a medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, then remove them and set aside.
In the same skillet, without adding any more butter, add the chopped onion and mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Add some white wine and after the alcohol is evaporated, add 1 cup of hot water with the chicken stock cube disoved in it. Leave it for another 2 minutes then add the chicken fillets and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the sauce thickens.
I served with some couscous. Bon appetit!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Idee pentru o cina rapida: Enchilada de pui / Quick dinner tip: Chicken enchilada

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- Piept de pui / Chicken breast
- Ardei rosu / Red bell pepper
- Ceapa / Onion
- Smantana / Sour cream
- Sos de rosii / Tomato sauce
- Branza cheddar / Cheddar cheese
- Tortilla / Tortilla
- Ulei de rapita / Canola oil
- Boia iute / Chili powder
- Oregano / Oregano
- Sare / Salt

Pieptul de pui se taie in bucati mici, ardeiul se taie in cubulete, iar branza cheddar se da pe razuitoare.
Intr-o cratita se adauga o lingura de ulei de rapita si se caleste ceapa timp de 2 minute. Se adauga apoi ppieptu de pui taiat cubulete si se rumeneste bine pe toate partile (8-10 minute). Se adauga apoi ardeiul, iar dupa 2-3 minute 1 cana de sos de rosii, o jumatate de cana de apa, 1ingurita de boia iute, o lingurita de oregano si 1/2 lingurita de sare. Se amesteca bine si se lasa la foc mediu timp de 10 minute. Se adauga apoi 2 linguri de smantana si se amesteca pana sosu se omogenizeaza.
Dupa ce se ia de pe foc, se separa pieptul de pui si ardeiul de sos. Pe o tortilla se aseaza 2 linguri de compozitie, se presara putina branza cheddar si se impatureste (la fel ca aici: http://inthemoodtocook.blogspot.ro/2013/10/burrito-de-curcan-cu-salsa-turkey.html). Toate tortilla impachetate se aseaza intr-un vas de yena, se toarna peste sosul de rosii cu smantana si se acopera cu restul de branza cheddar. Se baga la cuptor pentru 30 minute a foc mediu.
O cina delicioasa gata intr-o ora. Eu am presarat putin patrunjel deasupra, pentru culoare.

First you must cut the chicken and red bell pepper in cubes and shred the cheddar cheese.
In a skillet add 1 tbl spoon of canola oil and the onion and cook for 2 minutes. Add the chicken and cook well on all sides until slightly brown (8-10 minutes). Add the red bell pepper and cook for another 2-3 minutes then add 1 cup of tomato sauce, 1/2 cup of water, 1 tsp of chili powder, 1 tsp of oregano, 1/2 tsp of salt and mix well. Leave it on medium heat for 10 minutes. Add 2 tbs of sour cream and stir.
After you remove if from the stove, separate the chicken and pepper mixture from the sauce. On a tortilla add 2 tbs of the misture, sprinkle some cheddar cheese and fold (like it's done here: http://inthemoodtocook.blogspot.ro/2013/10/burrito-de-curcan-cu-salsa-turkey.html). Put all the folded tortillas in an oven safe dish, cover with the sauce and the shredded cheddar cheese and cook in the oven for 30 minutes on medium heat.
There you go - a deicious dinner in only an hour. I sprinkled some parsley on top for a little bit of colour.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Supa crema de ciuperci cu dovlecei / Mushroom and zucchini soup

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- ciuperci / mushrooms
- dovecel / zucchini
- ceapa / onion
- 1 cub de legume Maggi / Maggi vegetable stock cube
- cimbru / thyme
- foi de dafin / bay leaves 
- boia iute / chili powder
- ulei de masline / olive oil
- sare si piper / salt and pepper
- 1/2 pahar cu lapte / 1/2 glass of milk

Se caleste ceapa in putin uei de masline timp de 1-2 minute. Apoi se adauga dovlecelul si ciupercile taiate in cuburi mici si se soteaza timp de 5 minute. Se adauga apoi toate condimentele: 1 lingurita de cimbru, 1 lingurita de boia iute, sare si piper, 2 foi de dafin si se acopera cu apa. Cand da in clocot, se adauga cubul de legume, se amesteca si se acopera. Se fierbe a foc mic timp de 20-30 minute, pana cand legumele sunt moi.
Se lasa se se raceasca 10-15 minute apoi se adauga toate legumele in bender, impreuna cu laptele, fara lichidul in care au fiert legumele (indepartati foile de dafin inainte). Se adauga treptat cate un polonic de ichid pana cand supa crema are consistenta dorita.
Eu am servit cu crutoane si fugi de migdale.
Apropo, in ciuda culorii data de ciuperci, supa este delicioasa :)

First sote the onion in a itte bit of olive oil, for 1-2 minutes. Then add the diced zucchini and mushrooms and sote for another 5 minutes. Add the condiments: 1tsp thyme, 1 tsp chili powder, sat and pepper, 2 bay leaves and cover with water. Bring to a boil and then add the vegetabe stock cube, stir and cover with a lid. Let it simmer for 20-30 minutes, until the vegetables soften. Let it cool for 10-15 minutes then add the vegetables to a bender and the milk, without the stock (after removing the bay leaves). Add only one ladle at time until the soup has the consistency that you like.
I served with crutons and almond fakes.
By the way, despite the colour that the mushrooms gave to the soup, it's delicious :)