Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Risotto de ciuperci cu ficat de pui la gratar / Mushroom risotto and grilled chicken liver

Cum mi-au mai ramas niste ciuperci de seara trecuta, m-am gandit sa fac pentru cina un risotto delicios, pe care l-am servit cu ficat de pui la gratar.
[I had some mushrooms left from last night and I decided to make a delicious risotto for dinner, served with grilled chicken liver.]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- ficat de pui / chicken liver;
- orez / rice; 
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot; 
- ceapa verde (eu am folosit 3 foarte subtiri) / 3 spring onions;
- 8 ciuperci taiate / 8 sliced mushrooms;
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 cloves of garlic;
- parmezan / parmesan;
- vin alb / white wine;
- unt / butter;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- 1 cub de gaina Maggi / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Mai intai se pune 1L de apa la fiert si se dizolva cubul de gaina Maggi. Apoi se spala ficatul de pui, se asezoneaza cu sare si piper, se unge o tigaie grill cu putin ulei de masline si se aseaza ficatul. Cand este facut pe o parte se intoarce si pe cealalta si se stinge focul cand este gata complet (10-15 minute).
[First you must dissolve the chicken stock cube in boiling water. Then you wash the chicken liver, season it with salt and pper, put a little bit of olive oil on a grill pan and add the liver. When it's done on one side you turn it over and then you turn the heat off when it's all done (10-15 minutes).]


Pentru risotto se foloseste o tigaie adanca in care se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si un cubulet de unt (pentru a face risotto mai cremos). Se adauga apoi orezul (eu am folosit o cana si jumatate pentru 4 portii) si se caleste timp de 2-3 minute. Peste orez se toarna o jumatate de pahar de vin alb. Dupa ce vinul este absorbit de orez, se adauga un polonic de supa de pui, sare si piper, se amesteca pana cand este absorbita si apoi se adauga inca un polonic Se continua asa pana cand se termina supa de pui. O data cu ultimul polonic de supa se adauga ciupercile, ceapa verde, morcovul si usturoiul, se amesteca bine si se mai lasa la foc mediu inca 5-10 minute. La final se adauga parmezan.
[For the risotto you will need a large skillet, you add a tablespoon of olive oil and a cube of butter (to make the risotto creamy). Then you add the rice (I used 1 and 1/2 cups) and cook it for 2-3 minutes Then you add half a glass of wine. Once the wine is absorbed, you add ladle of chicken stock, salt and pepper and stir until is absorbed. Then you continue this process until you finish the stock. With the last ladle you also add the mushrooms, spring onions, carrot and garlic, you mix everything well and you leave it on a medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Finally you add some parmesan and it's ready] 


La final m-am gandit sa fac rapid un mujdei de usturoi cu iaurt pentru ficat. Am pus intr-un castronel iaurt de capra, usturoi, ulei de masline, sare si piper si am amestecat bine.
[As a final touch I decided to make a garlic sauce. In a small bowl I combined goat yogurt, garlic, olive oil, salt and pper and mixed well.]

Cam asa arata farfuria mea, cu un pic de patrunjel pentru decor :)

[This is how my plate looks, with a little bit of parsley for decor :)]

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mic Dejun hranitor / Nutritious Breakfast

In aceasta dimineata m-am trezit mai infometata ca de obicei si m-am hotarat sa fac un mic dejun foarte hranitor: Omleta cu salata si cascaval afumat.
[This morning I woke up being very hungry and I've decided to make a very nutritious breakfast: Omelette with smoked cheese and salad.]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- oua / eggs
- salata / green salad
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes;
- castravete / cucumber;
- cascaval afumat / smoked cheese;
- lapte / milk;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Ouale se bat cu putin lapte (pentru a face omleta mai pufoasa), sare si pier si se pun pe o tigaie incinsa cu putin ulei de masline.  Omleta se face ca o clatita si se intoarce pentru a se praji pe ambele parti.
Intr-un castron se pune salata tocata, rosiile cherry si castravetele, se asezoneaza cu sare si piper si putin ulei de masline si se amesteca.
Pe o farfurie se aseaza omleta (eu am folosit jumatate pentru o portie), cateva bucati de cascaval afumat si salata.
[You beat the eggs with a little bit of milk (this is to make them fluffy), salt and pepper and you put them in a hot skillet with some olive oil. You should make the omelette as a pancake and turn it on the opposite side as well.
Then you cut the salad and put it into a bowl with the cherry tomatoes and cucumber, olive oil, salt and pepper and you mix it well.
On a plate you put the omelette (I used half for one portion), a few slices of smoked cheese and the salad]

Somon glazurat cu sote de brocoli si ciuperci / Glazed salmon with broccoli and mushroom sote

Ce spuneti de o cina sanatoasa care este gata in mai putin de 30 minute?
[What about a healthy dinner and done in less than 30 minutes?]

Aveti nevoie de / You'll need:
- somon / salmon;
- brocoli / broccoli;
- ciuperci / mushrooms
- usturoi / garlic;
- rozmarin / rozmary;
- lime / lime;
- miere / honey;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Mai intai se curata brocoli, se taie in manunchiuri mici, se spala si se aseaza intr-o sita pentru a se scurge de apa.

Intr-un castronel se face glazura pentru somon. Din lime se taie doua felii pentru decor si se pun de-o parte iar restul se stoarce. Peste sucul de lime se adauga 2 linguri de miere si se amesteca bine. Somonul se asezoneaza cu sare si piper, se aseaza o tava acoperita cu folie de aluminiu, iar peste el se toarna glazura. Se baga la cuptor pentru 15 minute (se intoarce pe ceaalta parte dupa 10 minute).
Intr-o tigaie se adauga putin ulei de masline, si se soteaza ciupercile cu 3 catei de usturoi presati.
[In a small bowl you make the glaze for the salmon. Cut the lime and set aside two slices for decor. Juice the rest of the lime and add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix well. Then season the salmon with salt and pepper, place it on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil and cover with the glaze. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes, turning it on the opposite side after 10 minutes.
In a pan add some olive oil and sote the mushrooms and 3 cloves of garlic minced.]

Dupa 3-4 minute adaugati brocoli rozmarin, sare si piper si mai sotati pentru 10 minute. In functie de cata zeama au lasat ciupercile, mai puteti adauga putina apa. 
[After 3-4 minutes, add the broccoli and rosemary and sote for another 10 minutes. Depending on the moisture left from the mushrooms you can add a lille bit of water.]

Dupa ce totul este gata, decorati somonul cu o felie de lime si puteti servi :)
[After everything is done, you can decorate the salmon with a lime slice and serve :)]

Monday, July 29, 2013

Paste cu ragu de pui / Chicken ragu pasta

In seara aceasta va voi impartasi o reteta de paste, un pic mai diferita fata de cele uzuale. Sper sa va placa :)
[Tonight I'm gonna share a pasta recipe, slightly different from the usual ones. Hope you like it :)]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- piept de pui tocat marunt / minced chicken breast;
- morcov, ceapa rosie, telina verde apio tocate marunt /  carrot, red onion and celary finely copped;
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 cloves of garlic;
- penne / penne;
- parmezan / parmesan;
- cub de gaina Maggi / Maggi chicken stock cube;
- o jumatate de pahar de vin alb / half a glass of white wine;
- cimbru / thyme;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- patrunjel / parsley;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

In primul rand se pun 350 ml de apa la fiert pentru a dizolva o jumatate de cub de gaina Maggi.

Intr-o cratita se pune ulei de masline si se adauga legumele, usturoiul intreg si cimbrul, care se soteaza timp de 3-4 minute. Se adauga apoi pieptul de pui tocat si se amesteca inca 2-3 minute. Peste acestea se pune o jumatate de pahar de vin alb, sare si piper si se amesteca continuu pana cand se evapora alcoolul. Se toarna peste supa de pui obtinuta prin dizolvarea cubului,  si se acopera cu un capac. Se lasa la foc mediu timp de 15 minute.
Separat, intr-o alta cratita se pune apa la fiert pentru paste, cu putina sare. De indata ce acestea sunt gata, le punem peste compozitia de pui cu legume, presaram parmezan si amestecam bine.
[First, you must dissolve the chicken stock cube in boiling water.
In a saucepan add some olive oil, the vegetables, the garlic (whole) and thyme. Sotee for 3-4 minutes then add the chicken and stir for another 2-3 minutes. Pour half a glass of wine, salt and pepper and continue to stir until the alcohol is evaporated. Then you add the chicken stock and cover with a lid. Live it on a medium heat for 15 minutes.
In a separate saucepan, boil the pasta in salty water. As soon as they are ready, add the pasta to the chicken and vegetables, sprinkle some parmesan and stir well.]

Se mai pune patrunjel tocat deasupra si e gata pentru servit. Pofta buna!
[Put some parsley on top and it's ready to serve.Bon apetit!]

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Toast cu unt de arahide si banana / Peanut butter and banana toast

M-am gandit sa va prezint o alta varianta de mic dejun la care apelez destul de des.
Untul de arahide nu era printre alimentele mele preferate, insa m-am gandit sa adaug cateva ingrediente pentru a-l tranforma in ceva mai gustos.
[I've decided to share another breakfast recipe that I often do in my house.
I never really liked peanut butter on it's own, but I've decided to add a few ingredients to make it more tasty]

Am folosit / I used
- paine toast prajita / whole wheat toast;
- unt de arahide / peanut butter;
- banana / banana;
- miere / honey;
- lapte / Milk.

Am prajit 2 felii de paine, le-am uns cu unt de arahide cruchy (asta este preferatul meu, deoarece contine bucatele de arahide care ii dau o textura interesanta), am asezat deasupra cateva rondele de banana si apoi am turnat o lingurita de miere. Se serveste alaturi de cana cu lapte :)
[I toasted 2 slices of bread, spread some peanut butter on them (I used crunchy peanut butter because it contains pieces of peanuts that give it an interesting texture). On top I put some banana slices and drizzled a teaspoon of honey. You serve it with a cup of milk :)]

Sandwich de pui in buzunaras de pita / Chicken sandwich in pita pocket

Dupa o sambata petrecuta la parinti, cu mai multa mancare decat intr-o zi obisnuita, astazi aveam pofta de un pranz usor. Am fost la cumparaturi si am gasit (la Kaufland) ceea ce cautam de ceva timp: lipie libaneza sau pita, perfecta pentru un sandwich de pui :)
[After a Saturday spent at my parents' house with more food than usual, I've decided to have a light lunch today. I went shopping and I found something that I was searching for a long time: pita bread, perfect for a chicken sandwich.]
Compozitia pentru umplutura poate fi facuta cu orice fel legume aveti prin frigider si, evident, piept de pui.
[The filling can be made with whatever kind of vegetables you have in the fridge and, of course, chicken breast.]

Eu am folosit / I used:
- castraveti / cucumbers
- ardei gras / green pepper
- ceapa rosie / red onion
- salata / green salad
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes
- branza (eu am folosit o branza de burduf care se intinde usor pe paine) / cheese (I used one that is easy to spread)
- piept de pui / chicken breast
- ulei de masline / olive oil
- otet balsamic / balsamic vinegar
- sare si piper /  salt and pepper

Pieptul de pui l-am pus intr-o punga magica de la Knorr (friptura de pui cu ierburi aromate) si l-am bagat la cuptor pentru 50 minute. Dupa ce a fost gata, l-am rupt in fasii mici.
[I put the chicken breast in a magic bag from Knorr (roast chicken with herbs) and put it in the oven for 50 minutes. Once done, I shredded the chicken.]

Castravetii, ardeiul gras si ceapa le-am curatat si le-am tocat in bucatele mici si le-am adaugat peste pieptul de pui. Am pus peste o lingurita de ulei de masline, o lingura de otet balsamic, sare, piper si am amestecat bine.
Separat am taiat rosiile cherry pe jumatate si am curatat frunzele de salata.
[I cleaned and sliced the cucumbers, green pepper and onion and added them in a bowl with the shredded chicken. I added a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and mixed well.
Separate, I cut the cherry tomatoes in half and cleaned the green salad leaves.]

Pita se taie pe jumatate si se obtin doua buzunarase care arata cam asa:
[The pita bread must be cut in half to obtain 2 pockets that look like this:]

Fiecare buzunaras se unge pe o parte cu branza, se adauga 2 frunze de salata, 2 linguri de amestec cu pui si legume si cateva jumatati de rosii cherry.
Sandwich-ul arata cam asa si este delicios. Pofta buna! :)
[You spread a little bit of cheese on each pocket, add 2 leaves of green salad, 2 tablespoon of chicken and vegetables filling and some cherry tomatoes slices.
The sandwich should look like this. Bon appetit! :)]

Friday, July 26, 2013

Porridge cu afine si banana / Porridge with blueberries and banana

In aceasta dimineata m-am gandit sa va impartasesc o reteta pentru mic dejun pe care am descoperit-o anul acesta.
[This morning I've decided to share a breakfast recipe that I discovered this year]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- lapte / milk
- fulgi de ovaz / oatmeal
- afine / blueberries
- banana / banana
- scortisoara / cinnamon
- optional: miere / optional: honey

Intr-o cratita se pune laptele si ovazul si se aseaza la foc mic. Se amesteca continuu pana cand ovazul absoarbe laptele.
Separat se taie banana (eu am pus o jumatate de banana la o portie) si se spala foarte bine afinele.
Se pune porridge-ul intr-un castron, peste el se adauga bananele, afinele si se presara o jumatate de lingurita de praf de scortisoara.
Daca sunteti ca mine si va place sa fie un pic mai dulce, puteti adauga si o llingurita de miere deasupra :)
[In a saucepan you add the milk and oatmeal and you put it on the stove at low heat. You continue to stir until the oatmeal absorbs all the milk.
Then you slice a half of banana for a portion and you wash the blueberries very well.
In a bowl you add the porridge, the banana slices and the blueberries and you sprinkle half a teaspoon of cinnamon.
If you are like me and like your porridge to be sweet, you can add a teaspoon of honey on top :)]

Salata cu mix de fasole si avocado / Mixed beans and avocado salad

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- mix de fasole pentru salate / mixed beans
- avocado / avocado
- porumb la cutie /  sweet corn
- ardei gras rosu / red bell pepper
- ceapa rosie / red onion
Pentru dressing / For the dressing:
- lime / lime
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 cloves of garlic
- ghimbir / ginger
- otet balsamic / balsamic vinegar
- ulei de masline / olive oil
- sare si piper / salt and pepper

Salata este delicioasa, aromata si foarte usor de facut.
Se toaca marunt ardeiul si ceapa si se adauga intr-un castron.
Mixul de fasole se scoate din cutie si se pune sub jet de apa rece, apoi se adauga in castron. Peste acestea se adauga 3 linguri cu porumb, avocado taiat cuburi.
The salad is delicious, has a lot of flavor and it's very easy to make. 
The red bell pepper and red onion must be finely chopped and then added into a bowl
The mixed beans must be washed and drained and then added into the bowl.Then you add 3 spoon of sweet corn and the cubes of avocado.

Pentru dressing, se taie marunt o bucatica de ghimbir, doi catei de usturoi si se stoarce zeama de la o jumatate de lime. Acestea se adauga intr-un castronel si se amesteca cu o lingurita de otet balsamic si o lingurita de ulei de masline. Apoi se adauga sare si piper dupa gust.
Dressingul se adauga peste legume si se amesteca bine.
For the dressing, you have to chop the ginger and the 2 cloves of garlic really fine, and add the juice of half a lime. you add all of these in a small bowl and then add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and a teaspoon of olive oil and mix well.