[After a Saturday spent at my parents' house with more food than usual, I've decided to have a light lunch today. I went shopping and I found something that I was searching for a long time: pita bread, perfect for a chicken sandwich.]
Compozitia pentru umplutura poate fi facuta cu orice fel legume aveti prin frigider si, evident, piept de pui.
[The filling can be made with whatever kind of vegetables you have in the fridge and, of course, chicken breast.]
Eu am folosit / I used:
- castraveti / cucumbers
- ardei gras / green pepper
- ceapa rosie / red onion
- salata / green salad
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes
- branza (eu am folosit o branza de burduf care se intinde usor pe paine) / cheese (I used one that is easy to spread)
- piept de pui / chicken breast
- ulei de masline / olive oil
- otet balsamic / balsamic vinegar
- sare si piper / salt and pepper
Pieptul de pui l-am pus intr-o punga magica de la Knorr (friptura de pui cu ierburi aromate) si l-am bagat la cuptor pentru 50 minute. Dupa ce a fost gata, l-am rupt in fasii mici.
[I put the chicken breast in a magic bag from Knorr (roast chicken with herbs) and put it in the oven for 50 minutes. Once done, I shredded the chicken.]
Castravetii, ardeiul gras si ceapa le-am curatat si le-am tocat in bucatele mici si le-am adaugat peste pieptul de pui. Am pus peste o lingurita de ulei de masline, o lingura de otet balsamic, sare, piper si am amestecat bine.
Separat am taiat rosiile cherry pe jumatate si am curatat frunzele de salata.
[I cleaned and sliced the cucumbers, green pepper and onion and added them in a bowl with the shredded chicken. I added a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and mixed well.
Separate, I cut the cherry tomatoes in half and cleaned the green salad leaves.]
Pita se taie pe jumatate si se obtin doua buzunarase care arata cam asa:
[The pita bread must be cut in half to obtain 2 pockets that look like this:]
Fiecare buzunaras se unge pe o parte cu branza, se adauga 2 frunze de salata, 2 linguri de amestec cu pui si legume si cateva jumatati de rosii cherry.
Sandwich-ul arata cam asa si este delicios. Pofta buna! :)
[You spread a little bit of cheese on each pocket, add 2 leaves of green salad, 2 tablespoon of chicken and vegetables filling and some cherry tomatoes slices.
The sandwich should look like this. Bon appetit! :)]
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