Friday, July 26, 2013

Salata cu mix de fasole si avocado / Mixed beans and avocado salad

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- mix de fasole pentru salate / mixed beans
- avocado / avocado
- porumb la cutie /  sweet corn
- ardei gras rosu / red bell pepper
- ceapa rosie / red onion
Pentru dressing / For the dressing:
- lime / lime
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 cloves of garlic
- ghimbir / ginger
- otet balsamic / balsamic vinegar
- ulei de masline / olive oil
- sare si piper / salt and pepper

Salata este delicioasa, aromata si foarte usor de facut.
Se toaca marunt ardeiul si ceapa si se adauga intr-un castron.
Mixul de fasole se scoate din cutie si se pune sub jet de apa rece, apoi se adauga in castron. Peste acestea se adauga 3 linguri cu porumb, avocado taiat cuburi.
The salad is delicious, has a lot of flavor and it's very easy to make. 
The red bell pepper and red onion must be finely chopped and then added into a bowl
The mixed beans must be washed and drained and then added into the bowl.Then you add 3 spoon of sweet corn and the cubes of avocado.

Pentru dressing, se taie marunt o bucatica de ghimbir, doi catei de usturoi si se stoarce zeama de la o jumatate de lime. Acestea se adauga intr-un castronel si se amesteca cu o lingurita de otet balsamic si o lingurita de ulei de masline. Apoi se adauga sare si piper dupa gust.
Dressingul se adauga peste legume si se amesteca bine.
For the dressing, you have to chop the ginger and the 2 cloves of garlic really fine, and add the juice of half a lime. you add all of these in a small bowl and then add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar and a teaspoon of olive oil and mix well.

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