Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mic Dejun hranitor / Nutritious Breakfast

In aceasta dimineata m-am trezit mai infometata ca de obicei si m-am hotarat sa fac un mic dejun foarte hranitor: Omleta cu salata si cascaval afumat.
[This morning I woke up being very hungry and I've decided to make a very nutritious breakfast: Omelette with smoked cheese and salad.]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- oua / eggs
- salata / green salad
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes;
- castravete / cucumber;
- cascaval afumat / smoked cheese;
- lapte / milk;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Ouale se bat cu putin lapte (pentru a face omleta mai pufoasa), sare si pier si se pun pe o tigaie incinsa cu putin ulei de masline.  Omleta se face ca o clatita si se intoarce pentru a se praji pe ambele parti.
Intr-un castron se pune salata tocata, rosiile cherry si castravetele, se asezoneaza cu sare si piper si putin ulei de masline si se amesteca.
Pe o farfurie se aseaza omleta (eu am folosit jumatate pentru o portie), cateva bucati de cascaval afumat si salata.
[You beat the eggs with a little bit of milk (this is to make them fluffy), salt and pepper and you put them in a hot skillet with some olive oil. You should make the omelette as a pancake and turn it on the opposite side as well.
Then you cut the salad and put it into a bowl with the cherry tomatoes and cucumber, olive oil, salt and pepper and you mix it well.
On a plate you put the omelette (I used half for one portion), a few slices of smoked cheese and the salad]

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