Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Somon glazurat cu sote de brocoli si ciuperci / Glazed salmon with broccoli and mushroom sote

Ce spuneti de o cina sanatoasa care este gata in mai putin de 30 minute?
[What about a healthy dinner and done in less than 30 minutes?]

Aveti nevoie de / You'll need:
- somon / salmon;
- brocoli / broccoli;
- ciuperci / mushrooms
- usturoi / garlic;
- rozmarin / rozmary;
- lime / lime;
- miere / honey;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Mai intai se curata brocoli, se taie in manunchiuri mici, se spala si se aseaza intr-o sita pentru a se scurge de apa.

Intr-un castronel se face glazura pentru somon. Din lime se taie doua felii pentru decor si se pun de-o parte iar restul se stoarce. Peste sucul de lime se adauga 2 linguri de miere si se amesteca bine. Somonul se asezoneaza cu sare si piper, se aseaza o tava acoperita cu folie de aluminiu, iar peste el se toarna glazura. Se baga la cuptor pentru 15 minute (se intoarce pe ceaalta parte dupa 10 minute).
Intr-o tigaie se adauga putin ulei de masline, si se soteaza ciupercile cu 3 catei de usturoi presati.
[In a small bowl you make the glaze for the salmon. Cut the lime and set aside two slices for decor. Juice the rest of the lime and add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix well. Then season the salmon with salt and pepper, place it on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil and cover with the glaze. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes, turning it on the opposite side after 10 minutes.
In a pan add some olive oil and sote the mushrooms and 3 cloves of garlic minced.]

Dupa 3-4 minute adaugati brocoli rozmarin, sare si piper si mai sotati pentru 10 minute. In functie de cata zeama au lasat ciupercile, mai puteti adauga putina apa. 
[After 3-4 minutes, add the broccoli and rosemary and sote for another 10 minutes. Depending on the moisture left from the mushrooms you can add a lille bit of water.]

Dupa ce totul este gata, decorati somonul cu o felie de lime si puteti servi :)
[After everything is done, you can decorate the salmon with a lime slice and serve :)]

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