Saturday, August 31, 2013

Peste cu legume si orez / Fish with vegetables and rice

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- file de peste (eu am folosit novac) / fish filet (I used bighead carp);
- orez / rice;
- broccoli / broccoli;
- morcovi / carrots;
- parmezan / parmesan;
- lamaie / lemon;
- usturoi / garlic;
- patrunjel / parsley;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Legumele le-am facut la aburi, iar orezul l-am fiert in apa cu sare.
Se unge un vas pentru cuptor cu putin ulei de masline, se adauga pestele , sare, piper, patrunjelul si usturoiul tocat marunt si apoi se acopera cu sucul unei lamai. Se pune la cuptor timp de 30 minute. 
[I steamed the vegetables and I boiled the rice in salty water.
In a baking pan add a little bit of olive oil, add the fish, salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley and garlic and cover with the juice of one lemon. Bake it for 30 minutes.]

 Se pesara apoi parmezan ras si se mai lasa la cuptor inca 5 minute.
 [Add grated parmesan and leave in the oven for 5 more minutes.]

Friday, August 30, 2013

Paste cu ciuperci si spanac / Mushroom and spinach pasta

De aproape o saptamana am renuntat la carne...pentru o perioada cel putin. Vom vedea cum decurg lucrurile, insa pentru moment nu ii simt lipsa si experimentez retete fara carne :)
[It's been almost a week since I stopped eating least for a period. We'll see how things go, but for the moment I don't miss it and I am trying to experiment new recipes without meat :)]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- paste (eu am folosit penne si fusili) / pasta (I used penne and fusili);
- ciuperci / mushrooms;
- spanac / spinach;
- ceapa rosie / red onion;
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- mozzarella  / mozzarella;
- busuioc proaspat / fresh basil;
- ulei de masline / olive oil; 
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Pastele se pun la fiert in apa clocotita cu sare.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline, se adauga usturoiul si ceapa taiata julien si se calesc timp de 2 minute.
Se adauga apoi ciupercile taiate felii, sare, piper si busuiocul proaspat. Se gatesc timp de 7-8 minute.
[First put the pasta in alty boiling water and cook.
In a skillet add one tablespoon of olive oil, garlic and onion julien sliced and sote for 2 minutes.
Then add the sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper and fresh basil. Cook for 7-8 minutes.]


Dupa ce ciupercile sunt aproape gata, adaugati spanacul, amestecati pana cand isi reduce volumul apoi adaugati pastele, mozzarella si amestecati bine.
[Once the mushrooms are done add the spinach and stir until it's cooked down.Then add the pasta and mozzarela and stir well.]


Se serveste imediat. Pofta buna!
[Serve immediately. Bon appetit!]

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Supa de linte / Lentil soup

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 1 cana si jumatate de linte; 1 and 1/2 cup of letils;
- 2 morcovi / 2 carrots;
- 2 tulpini telina verde / 2 stalks of celary;
- 1 ceapa medie / 1 medium onion;
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 cloves of garlic;
- oregano / oregano; busuioc / basil;
- frunza de dafin / bay leaf;
- spanac / spinach;
- rosii pasate / crushed tomatoes;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- otet / vinegar;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Morcovii, telina si ceapa se toaca marunt si se pun intr-o cratita cu o lingura de ulei de masline. Se adauga apoi usturoiul, frunza de dafin, 1 lingurita de oregano si o lingurita de busuioc si se calesc timp de 2 minute.

Apoi se pune lintea peste leume si se acopera cu 8 cani de apa si rosiile pasate. Dupa ce da in clocot se acopera cratita cu un capac si se lasa la foc mic timp de 45 minute.
[You must dice the carrots, celary and onion and add the to a pot with one tablespoon of olive oil Then add the garlic, bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of oregano and one of basil and stir for 2 minutes.
Then add the letils and cover with 8 cups of water, crushed tomatoes.Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat, cover and cook for 45 minutes.]


Dupa ce lintea a fiert se toaca marunt spanacul si se adauga in supa. Se mai lasa pe foc inca 5 minute apoi se adauga 1 lingura de otet si se amesteca bine.
Se serveste cu putin patrunjel proaspat deasupra.
[Once the letils are done, slice the spinach and add to the soup. Leave it on the stove for another 5 minutes then remove from the heat, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and stir.
Serve with fresh parsley on top.]


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Paella cu fructe de mare / Seafood Paella

Homemade Paella?

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- orez / rice;
- fructe de mare (eu am folosit calamar si scoice) / seafood (I used calamari and mussels);
- ardei rosu, galben, verde tocat / red, yellow and green bell peppers diced;
- ceapa rosie / red onion;
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- vin alb / white wine;
- supa de legume / vegetable stock;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- boia iute si boia dulce / hot and sweet chili;
- sofran / saffron;

Intr-o tigaie se pun 2 linguri de ulei de masline, se adauga ustoroiul maruntit si ceapa tocata si se calesc timp de 1 minut. Se adauga apoi ardeiul si se lasa pe foc pana cand incepe sa se inmoaie. Dupa aceea se adauga orezul, se caleste timp de 2 minute si se toarna peste o jumatate de pahar de vin alb.
[In a large skillet add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add the minced garlic and sliced onion and stir for 1 minute. Then add the peppers and cook until tender. After that add the rice, cook for minutes and cover with half a glass of white wine.]


Dupa ce lichidul este absorbit se acopara orezul cu 1 litru de supa de legume, se adauga o lingura de boia dulce, 1/2 lingurita de boia iute si 1/2 lingurita de sofran si se lasa la foc mediu pentru 20 minute, amestecand continuu.
In acest timp, intr-o tigaie separata, adaugati 1 lingura de ulei de masline si caliti fructele de mare timp de 10-15 minute.
[Once the liquid is absorbed, cover the rice with 1 litre of vegetable soup, add 1 teaspoon of sweet chili, 1/2 teaspoon of hot chili and 1/2 teaspoon of saffron and leave on medium heat for 20 minutes, continuing to stir.
Meanwhile, in a separate skillet add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook the seafood for 10-15 minutes.]


Dupa ce orezul este gata si lichidul este absorbit complet, se adauga peste orez fructele de mare, se amesteca si se serveste cat este cald. Pofta buna!
[After the rice absorbed all the liquid add the seafood and stir well. Serve while hot. Bon appetit!]

Monday, August 26, 2013

Salata cu quinoa / Quinoa salad

Am tot citit despre efectele benefice ale quinoa asa ca m-am hotarat intr-un final sa cumpar si sa incerc. Prima reteta cu quinoa este o salata :)
[I've read about the benefits of quinoa so I decided to buy some and try. First recipe is a salad.]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- quinoa / quinoa;
- varza rosie / red cabbage;
- ardei galben / yelow bell pepper;
- ardei rosu / red bell pepper;
- fasole verde / green beans;
- ceapa verde / green onion;
- morcov / carrot;
- castravete / cucumber.
Pentru dresing / For dressing:
- patrunjel / parsley;
- sos de soia / soy sauce;
- otet de vin alb / white wine vinegar;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- piper / pepper.

Toate legumele se curata si se taie in bucatele mici si se pun intr-un castron. Fasolea verde trebuie fiarta in apa cu sare.
Quinoa se fierbe conform instructiunilor de pe pachet si apoi se adauga peste legume.
Pentru dressing se adauga toate ingredientele intr-un castron mic, se amesteca si se adauga peste legumele cu quinoa.
Se amesteca bine totul si se serveste :)
[You must cut all the vegetables in small pieces and add them to a bowl. The green beans must be boiled in salty water.
Quinoa must be cooked as per the package instructions and then add it to the vegetables.
For the dressing add all the ingredients to a small bowl, mix well and add it to the vegetables and quinoa.
Mix everything togheter and serve :)]

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pui chinezesc cu varza rosie / Chinese chicken with red cabbage

In the mood for chinese food tonight :)

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- piept de pui / chicken brest;
- varza rosie / red cabbage;
- ardei galben / yellow bell pepper;
- ardei rosu / red bell pepper;
- morcov / carrot;
- ardei iute / jalapeno;
- ceapa verde / green onion;
- ghimbir / ginger;
- usturoi / garlic;
- seminte de susan / sesame seeds;
- sos de soia / soy sauce;
- ulei de susan / sesame oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Varza, ardeii si morcovul de taie in fasii subtiri, iar ardeiul iute si ceapa verde se toaca marunt. Se amesteca si se pun de-o parte intr-un castron.
Intr-o tiaie se pune o lingura de ulei de susan, usturoiul si ghimbirul si se adauga feliile de piept de pui.
Dupa ce puiul este aproape gata se adauga o lingura de sos de soia, se amesteca timp de 1-2 minute apoi se pun seminte de susan peste pui si se mai lasa pe foc inca 2 minute.
Pieptul de pui se scoate pe o farfurie si se pune de-o parte.
In aceeasi tigaie se pun apoi legumele, 2 linguri de apa si o lingura de sos de soia si se soteaza timp de 5-7 minute.
[You thinly slice the cabbage, bell peppers and carrots and dice the jalapeno and green onion. You mix them together and set them aside in a bowl.
In a skillet you add one tablespoon of sesame oil, garlic and ginger and add the chicken brest slices.
Once the chicken is almost done, add a tablespoon of soy sauce, stir for 1-2 muntes, add sesame seeds and cook it for another 2 minutes.
Then remove the chicken from the skillet on a plate and set aside.
In the same skiler add the vegetables, 2 tablespoons of water and one of soy sauce and cook for 5-7 minutes.]


 Dupa ce sunt gata se pun peste legume feliile de piept de pui si se serveste :)
[Once everything is done, add the chicken slices and serve :)]

Monday, August 19, 2013

Spaghete cu scoici si sos de vin alb / Spaghetti with mussels and white wine sauce

M-am intors din Grecia cu gandul tot la fructe de mare :)
I came back from Greece still thinking about seafood :)

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- scoici / mussels;
- spaghete integrale / Whole wheat spaghetti;
- masline verzi / green olives;
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- parmezan / parmesan;
- chilli uscat / dried red chilli;
- vin alb / white wine;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- unt / butter
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

In primul rand, pastele se pun la fiert in apa cu sare si se gatesc conform instructiunior de pe pachet.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se caleste usturoiul si chilli-ul uscat timp de 1 minute. Se adauga apoi scoicile si se gatesc timp de 5 minute. Se toarna peste vinul alb. Dupa ce se evapora alcoolul se pune un cub mic de unt si se amesteca pana se topeste.

First you put the pasta in salty boiling water and cook them according to the ndications on the package.
In a skillet you add one tablespoon of olive oil and cook the garlic and dried red chilli for 1 minute Then you add the mussels and cook for another 5 minutes You pour the wine over and when the alcohol is evaporated you add a small cube of butter and mix well.


Maslinele verzi se taie si se adauga peste scoici.
You must cut the green olives add them to the mussels. 


 Dupa ce spaghetele sunt gata se scurg de apa si se adauga in tigaie si se rade parmesan deasupra. 
Once the spagetti are done add them in the skillet and grade some parmesan.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Pui thailandez cu sos curry si orez salbatic / Thai Chicken curry and wild rice

In the mood for thai food tonight :)

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- piept de pui / chicken breast;
- ardei gras galben si rosu / yellow and red pepper;
- ceapa verde / green onion;
- pasta curry / curry paste;
- ghimbir / ginger;
- 3 catei de ustoroi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- sos de soia / soy sauce;
- orez salbatic / wild rice;
- ulei de susan / sesame oil; 
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Pieptul de pui si ardeii de taie in cubulete, iar ceapa verde se toaca marunt.
Orezul se pune la fiert conform instructiunilor de pe pachet (in cazul peu timp de 16 minute).
Intr-o tigaie mai mare se adauga o lingura de ulei de susan (puteti folosi si ulei de masline) si se caleste ghimbirul tocat marunt si usturoiul. Se adauga apoi pieptul de pui si se caleste pana cand este aproape gata.
[The chicken and peppers must be cut into cubes and the green onion thinly sliced.
You cook the rice as per the indications on you pack (in my case for 16 minutes).
In a big frying pan you add one tablespoon of sesame oil (you can also use olive oil) and sote the ginger and garlic. Then add the chicken and cook until is almost done.]


Se adauga ardeiul si ceapa tocata si se soteaza tip de 5 minute.Se adauga apoi un pahar cu apa si se mai lasa pe foc 2-3 minute. Se pun 4-5 lingurite de pasta de curry, o lingura de sos de soia, piper si sare (gustati inainte petru a vedea daca mai este nevoie, pentru ca sosul de soia este sarat). Se amesteca in continuu pana cand scade apa si se formeaza sosul.
[You must add the peppers and the onion and sote for 5 minutes. Then you cover it with a glass of water and cook it for another 2-3 minutes Add 4-5 teaspoons of curry paste, one tablespoon of soy sauce, pepper and salt (give it a taste before to see if it's needed as the soy sauce is salty as well). Continue to stir until the majority of the water is evaporated and the sauce is ready.]


Cam asa arata farfuria la final. Orezul l-am pus intr-un castron pentru a-i da o forma rotunda :)
[This is how the plate looks. I put the rice in a bowl to give it a round shape :)]

Burger cu legume / Veggie Burger

Din nou este foarte cald afara, din nou vreau un pranz fara carne :)
[It's another hot day outside and I'm not in the mood for meat :)]

Ingrediente / Ingredients (pentru 2 burgeri):
- 2 ciuperci mari / 2 large mushrooms;
- ceapa rosie (2 rondele) / red onion (2 slices);
- ardei gras taiat felii (eu am folosit galben si rosu) / sliced peppers (I used yellow and red);
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes;
- salata / salad;
- 2 chifle / 2 burger buns;
- crema de branza / cream cheese;
- 2 catei de ustori / 2 cloves of garlic;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- otet balsamic / balsamic vinegar;
- oregano, sare si piper / oregano, salt and pepper.

In primul rand se spala ciupercile si feliile de ceapa. Apoi se face sosul : o lingura ulei de masline, o lingura otet balsamic, usturoi, oregano sare si piper. Se amesteca bine si se ung ciupercile si ceapa pe ambele parti. Apoi se pun pe o tigaie grill incinsa.

[First you wash the mushrooms and onion. Then you make the sauce: 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. You mix it well and coat both sides of the mushrooms and onions. Then you put them on a heated grill pan.]

Legumele se intorc pe ambele parti. Cand este gata ceapa se inlatura din tigaie si se adauga ardeii pentru a se rumeni un pic.
Intre timp chiflele se taie pe jumatate si se prajesc un pic la toaster. Rosiile cherry se spala si se feliaza.
[You turn the vegetables on both sides. Once the onions are cooked remove them from the pan and add the peppers and let them cook a bit.
Meanwhile, cut the burger buns in half and toast them. Slice the cherry tomatoes.]


Cand totul este gata, se "asambleaza" burgerul: se ung ambele felii cu branza crema, se adauga salata, rosiile, ciuperca, ceapa si ardeii si asta e tot. Pofta buna! :)
[Once everything is done, start assemble your burger: spread the cheese on both sides of the buns, add the salad, the tomato slices, the mushroom and onion, peppers and you're done. Bon appetit! :)]