Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pui chinezesc cu varza rosie / Chinese chicken with red cabbage

In the mood for chinese food tonight :)

Ingrediente / Ingredients:

- piept de pui / chicken brest;
- varza rosie / red cabbage;
- ardei galben / yellow bell pepper;
- ardei rosu / red bell pepper;
- morcov / carrot;
- ardei iute / jalapeno;
- ceapa verde / green onion;
- ghimbir / ginger;
- usturoi / garlic;
- seminte de susan / sesame seeds;
- sos de soia / soy sauce;
- ulei de susan / sesame oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.

Varza, ardeii si morcovul de taie in fasii subtiri, iar ardeiul iute si ceapa verde se toaca marunt. Se amesteca si se pun de-o parte intr-un castron.
Intr-o tiaie se pune o lingura de ulei de susan, usturoiul si ghimbirul si se adauga feliile de piept de pui.
Dupa ce puiul este aproape gata se adauga o lingura de sos de soia, se amesteca timp de 1-2 minute apoi se pun seminte de susan peste pui si se mai lasa pe foc inca 2 minute.
Pieptul de pui se scoate pe o farfurie si se pune de-o parte.
In aceeasi tigaie se pun apoi legumele, 2 linguri de apa si o lingura de sos de soia si se soteaza timp de 5-7 minute.
[You thinly slice the cabbage, bell peppers and carrots and dice the jalapeno and green onion. You mix them together and set them aside in a bowl.
In a skillet you add one tablespoon of sesame oil, garlic and ginger and add the chicken brest slices.
Once the chicken is almost done, add a tablespoon of soy sauce, stir for 1-2 muntes, add sesame seeds and cook it for another 2 minutes.
Then remove the chicken from the skillet on a plate and set aside.
In the same skiler add the vegetables, 2 tablespoons of water and one of soy sauce and cook for 5-7 minutes.]


 Dupa ce sunt gata se pun peste legume feliile de piept de pui si se serveste :)
[Once everything is done, add the chicken slices and serve :)]

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