I came back from Greece still thinking about seafood :)
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- scoici / mussels;
- spaghete integrale / Whole wheat spaghetti;
- masline verzi / green olives;
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- parmezan / parmesan;
- chilli uscat / dried red chilli;
- vin alb / white wine;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- unt / butter
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.
In primul rand, pastele se pun la fiert in apa cu sare si se gatesc conform instructiunior de pe pachet.
Intr-o tigaie se pune o lingura de ulei de masline si se caleste usturoiul si chilli-ul uscat timp de 1 minute. Se adauga apoi scoicile si se gatesc timp de 5 minute. Se toarna peste vinul alb. Dupa ce se evapora alcoolul se pune un cub mic de unt si se amesteca pana se topeste.
First you put the pasta in salty boiling water and cook them according to the ndications on the package.
In a skillet you add one tablespoon of olive oil and cook the garlic and dried red chilli for 1 minute Then you add the mussels and cook for another 5 minutes You pour the wine over and when the alcohol is evaporated you add a small cube of butter and mix well.
Maslinele verzi se taie si se adauga peste scoici.
You must cut the green olives add them to the mussels.
Dupa ce spaghetele sunt gata se scurg de apa si se adauga in tigaie si se rade parmesan deasupra.
Once the spagetti are done add them in the skillet and grade some parmesan.
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