Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Penne cu zucchini si rosii cherry / Penne with zucchini and cherry tomatoes

Pentru ca voiam sa gatesc ceva rapid si fara carne :)
[Because I wanted to cook something very fast and without meat :)]

Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- penne / penne;
- 1 zucchini mare sau 2 mai mici / 1 big zucchini or 2 smaller ones;
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes;
- masline kalamata / kalamata olives;
- parmezan / parmesan;
- busuioc / basil;
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- un cub mic de unt / a small cube of butter.

In primul rand se taie zucchini se taie in cuburi, rosiile se feliaza si se scot samburii de la masline.
[First you must slice the zucchini in small cubes, slice the tomatoes and remove the kernel from the olives.]


Intr-o tigaie se pune ulei de masline si se caleste usturoiul, apoi se adauga cuburile de zucchini si se soteaza timp de 8 minute la foc mediu.
[In a pan add some olive oil and the garlic, then add the zucchini cubes and sote for 8 minutes on a medium heat.]

Intre timp pennele se pun se pun la fiert in apa cu sare.
Cand zucchini incep sa se rumeneasca se adauga rosiile si maslinele si se asezoneaza cu sare, piper si busuioc. Se adauga apoi o jumatate de polonic din zeama in care au fiert pastele si cubul de unt si se amesteca pana se formeaza sosul.
[Meanwhile, boil the pasta in some salted water.
When the succhini start to brown, add the tomatoes, olives and season with salt, pepper and basil. Then add half a ladle of the pasta water, the butter and mix until the sauce is done.]


La final se adauga pastele si parmezanul in tigaie si se serveste :)
The final step is to add the pasta and the parmesan in the pan and serve :)

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