Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- piept de pui / chicken breast;
- ardei gras galben si rosu / yellow and red pepper;
- ceapa verde / green onion;
- pasta curry / curry paste;
- ghimbir / ginger;
- 3 catei de ustoroi / 3 cloves of garlic;
- sos de soia / soy sauce;
- orez salbatic / wild rice;
- ulei de susan / sesame oil;
- sare si piper / salt and pepper.
Pieptul de pui si ardeii de taie in cubulete, iar ceapa verde se toaca marunt.
Orezul se pune la fiert conform instructiunilor de pe pachet (in cazul peu timp de 16 minute).
Intr-o tigaie mai mare se adauga o lingura de ulei de susan (puteti folosi si ulei de masline) si se caleste ghimbirul tocat marunt si usturoiul. Se adauga apoi pieptul de pui si se caleste pana cand este aproape gata.
[The chicken and peppers must be cut into cubes and the green onion thinly sliced.
You cook the rice as per the indications on you pack (in my case for 16 minutes).
In a big frying pan you add one tablespoon of sesame oil (you can also use olive oil) and sote the ginger and garlic. Then add the chicken and cook until is almost done.]
Se adauga ardeiul si ceapa tocata si se soteaza tip de 5 minute.Se adauga apoi un pahar cu apa si se mai lasa pe foc 2-3 minute. Se pun 4-5 lingurite de pasta de curry, o lingura de sos de soia, piper si sare (gustati inainte petru a vedea daca mai este nevoie, pentru ca sosul de soia este sarat). Se amesteca in continuu pana cand scade apa si se formeaza sosul.
[You must add the peppers and the onion and sote for 5 minutes. Then you cover it with a glass of water and cook it for another 2-3 minutes Add 4-5 teaspoons of curry paste, one tablespoon of soy sauce, pepper and salt (give it a taste before to see if it's needed as the soy sauce is salty as well). Continue to stir until the majority of the water is evaporated and the sauce is ready.]
Cam asa arata farfuria la final. Orezul l-am pus intr-un castron pentru a-i da o forma rotunda :)
[This is how the plate looks. I put the rice in a bowl to give it a round shape :)]
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