[It's another hot day outside and I'm not in the mood for meat :)]
Ingrediente / Ingredients (pentru 2 burgeri):
- 2 ciuperci mari / 2 large mushrooms;
- ceapa rosie (2 rondele) / red onion (2 slices);
- ardei gras taiat felii (eu am folosit galben si rosu) / sliced peppers (I used yellow and red);
- rosii cherry / cherry tomatoes;
- salata / salad;
- 2 chifle / 2 burger buns;
- crema de branza / cream cheese;
- 2 catei de ustori / 2 cloves of garlic;
- ulei de masline / olive oil;
- otet balsamic / balsamic vinegar;
- oregano, sare si piper / oregano, salt and pepper.
In primul rand se spala ciupercile si feliile de ceapa. Apoi se face sosul : o lingura ulei de masline, o lingura otet balsamic, usturoi, oregano sare si piper. Se amesteca bine si se ung ciupercile si ceapa pe ambele parti. Apoi se pun pe o tigaie grill incinsa.
[First you wash the mushrooms and onion. Then you make the sauce: 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. You mix it well and coat both sides of the mushrooms and onions. Then you put them on a heated grill pan.]
Legumele se intorc pe ambele parti. Cand este gata ceapa se inlatura din tigaie si se adauga ardeii pentru a se rumeni un pic.
Intre timp chiflele se taie pe jumatate si se prajesc un pic la toaster. Rosiile cherry se spala si se feliaza.
[You turn the vegetables on both sides. Once the onions are cooked remove them from the pan and add the peppers and let them cook a bit.
Meanwhile, cut the burger buns in half and toast them. Slice the cherry tomatoes.]
Cand totul este gata, se "asambleaza" burgerul: se ung ambele felii cu branza crema, se adauga salata, rosiile, ciuperca, ceapa si ardeii si asta e tot. Pofta buna! :)
[Once everything is done, start assemble your burger: spread the cheese on both sides of the buns, add the salad, the tomato slices, the mushroom and onion, peppers and you're done. Bon appetit! :)]
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